Anushree Fadnavis is a photojournalist with an International news agency and is currently based out of New Delhi, India.

She shoots a variety of subjects which has seen ink in Indian and international media including BBC, The Guardian, Open Magazine, The Hindu, Hindustan Times, Scroll ,  Homegrown , The Indian Express , DNA etc. Her work has also been featured in prestigious art magazines / books  like Raghu Rai 's Creative Image, Arts Illustrated, online gallery - Katha Collective , Penguin 's book – ‘Life On Instagram ‘ etc.  She has also worked on a part of the project in Mumbai for the National Film Board of Canada .

Anushree's personal work from the ladies compartment in Mumbai local trains called '#traindiaries'  , where she documents the daily lives of the women commuters around her along with her own personal / visual experiences lies close to her heart. It's an ongoing work for the last 5 years .
Anushree was selected for a month long residency program  in Aarhus, Denmark by  ‘Galleri  Image’ for her photographic work. She was also a panelist at the Indian Photography Festival in the year 2016 which was held at Hyderabad.

John Berger says in his Book Ways of Seeing " A woman must continually watch herself. She is almost continually accompanied by her own image of herself. Whilst she is walking across a room or whilst she is weeping at the death of her father, she can scarcely avoid envisaging herself walking or weeping. From earliest childhood she has been taught and persuaded to survey herself continually. And so she comes to consider the surveyor and the surveyed within her as the two constituent yet always distinct elements of her identity as a woman."

Women are always surrounded by men, be it at home, at office, in public spaces. Hence they don't get the chance to observe how women behave in their own space.

This series is my personal work that looks to explore how women behave in a space that has been
specifically designed for them. This is a space devoid of men and she can use this space to liberate herself from the male gaze. This series also looks to  explore how humans make themselves comfortable with a space and try to familiarize themselves by making relationships with complete strangers but later end up becoming close friends.

The ladies compartment gives women a sense of freedom, a room where she is accompanied by
strangers but still feels like she belongs there. I feel sometimes that it also resembles a theatre, where various actors come and act out their roles and I along with the viewers of the images are the audience who seek to learn about our own lives through the lives of others.